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My brother was asleep.

This video is titled my brother was asleep and let me tell you why, it was because he makes stop motion films, was enthusiastic in being a part and initially staging the lego blocks for this particular film. My little brother is a tinker and has varied interest in things. This is not about him-okay maybe it is. He aligned the blocks and was precise in his work until my mother dragged him to bed. Which obviously left me to complete it, I was not aware of what he had destined his lego minions to undertake and I most definitely did not refer to his unwritten script for them. Clearly, this was a last minute hassle set up; I was in India and lego blocks were not an easily accessible item. I am a resident of Dubai and I was away for my mid-term break. All that apart I lost my patience when being precise about placing the lego blocks as he was, grew aggravated at the order by which the pictures appeared in premier pro but all was well for my teacher is an absolute angel.

It does not end there, the pictures had a rather reverse order to it that premier pro decided to add in just for my convenience, so I had that running for me. By and by I completed it but it was an absolute mess and this ought to be my worst work yet. All that said, I learned three fundamental things. I am incapable of making films without a teacher who has to accompany me ALL THE TIME, My brother is a lovely human and I have a short fuse.

Thank you for having handed me this assignment Miss Ashton, I had great fun making this film as stop motion animation was a completely new area for me, I got to spend some time screaming at my brother for his inconsistency and I found the root to all my problems; impatience.

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